2022 GMoMA Collection
Engaging in GMoMA Collection
2022. 03. 22. — 2023. 03. 19.
GMoMA Exhibition Hall 1,2

The Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art has collected contemporary artworks since its opening in 2006. In this exhibition, we present 22 works, which were produced in the early 2010s, from the GMoMA collection. This collection exhibition is composed of sensuous pieces that opened the way for various interpretations and criticism in art history and art theory under the identity discourse. These works are the results of attempts to unravel their stories in social and cultural aspects within the contemporary topic of ‘cultural identity.’ And they also function as contemporary cultural values.
Projecting a meeting between ‘me’ and ‘another me’, GMoMA has chosen ‘the meeting place for genders, the Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art’ as a theme of this exhibition. Here, the term ‘Gender’ was inspired by the concept of the American philosopher Judith Butler (1956-). Butler focuses on ‘me in the process’ and ‘me in culture’ rather than ‘who I am’, and creates an opportunity to accept more types of people without prejudice. The exhibition looks at the collection from the present perspective in 2022 and seeks to awaken the moments when people sympathized with the works produced around 2010. The reclassified artworks will be displayed on one side of an exhibition room for a year with the memory of that time. At the same time, they will show traces of intense deliberation within the culture and society of that time, and the traces will reach out to the audience beyond the time difference.
In this context, the GMoMA proposes Engaging in GMoMA Collection. Firstly, we hope that these works will affect people’s viewpoints and emotions through this exhibition. During the one-year exhibition period, the works will become media through which visitors can revisit the museum at any time and view from their perspective and think of many things. Secondly, we hope that the program will open a public sphere for debate on gender issues. Starting with the different stories of each work, we would like to share the points where the works can respond to discrimination issues regarding status, race, gender, and disability. Thus, the GMoMA hopes that tolerance to the others would be ingrained into our society through Engaging in GMoMA Collection. The works dormant in the storage room are still waiting for ‘me’ who would listen to their stories at this very moment when cultural diversity is under active discussion.
홍영인_타일랜드에서 만난 두 신사들 2006년 여름-2008, 무대배경천, 아크릴 채색, 스프레이, 자수, 205×140 CM

홍영인_우본 라쟈타니에서 만난 한 여성 2006년 여름-2008, 무대배경천, 아크릴 채색, 스프레이, 자수, 150×112 CM

조해준&조해준_미군과 아버지-2005, 종이에 연필 드로잉, 160×140×140 CM

정정엽_지워지다-싹-2006, 캔버스에 유채, 145×180 CM

정정엽_지워지다-심장-2006, 캔버스에 유채, 145×180 CM

정정엽_지워지다-두더지-2006, 캔버스에 유채, 132×162 CM

정재석_연인 또는 부부-2006, 컴퓨터 실사출력에 유채, 73×91 CM

정연두_수공기억-육간대청-2008, C프린트, 66.3×99.5 CM

정연두_수공기억-보리밭-2008, C프린트, 66.3×99.5 CM

정서영_정오에서 자정까지-2007, 알루미늄에 도색, 모래, 56×460×7 CM

정서영_거위-2007, 시멘트, 102×34×38 CM

이수경_번역된 도자기-2006, 도자 파편, 에폭시, 24K 금박, 370×370×70 CM

이상현_조선역사명상열전 부소산 두야송객도(1)-2004~2005, 디지털프린트, 110×170 CM

이불_무제-2008, 폴리우레탄 캐스트, 페인트, 양면거울, 형광램프, 창틀나무, 160×120×13 CM

윤정미_핑크 프로젝트-지우와 지우의 핑크색 물건들-2007, 라이트 젯 프린트, 122×122 CM

윤정미_블루 프로젝트-콜과 콜의 파란색 물건들-2006, 라이트 젯 프린트, 122×122 CM

안지산_잔잔한 물결에서의 삶-2016, 캔버스에 유채, 200×290 CM

송영화_캐주얼 비주얼-2006, 분쇄토, 화장토, 가변크기

손국연_중국에 있는 조선인 NO.15-2008, 디지털프린트, 160×122 CM

손국연_영원한 달콤함-2005, 디지털프린트, 160×87 CM

배영환_남자의 길―불광동 첫사랑 2-2007, 버려진 나무와 혼합재료, 110×45×15 CM

배영환_남자의 길―불광동 첫사랑 1-2007, 버려진 나무와 혼합재료, 105×30×8 CM

박원주_펴기_200206-2007, 나무에 유리, 혼합재료, 31×24×7 CM

박원주_펴기_192110-2007, 나무에 유리, 혼합재료, 35×32×11 CM

강상우_클린 미-2014, 싱글채널비디오, 사운드, 21분 37초